Here you can find some recommendations and links for readables, viewables, and listenables!
This is a video-rental-store themed creepy story and horror podcast. It consists of different "tapes" that are recordings of callers' stories. The stories don't tend to be too horrifying nor too unbelievable. This is a good thing, in my opinion! I have listened to about 25 episodes so far.
Another paranormal stories podcast! The host also interviews some very interesting researchers and scientists.
A science and education podcast. The host interviews different "ologists", AKA people who study specific things. For example, an ambystemologist (axolotls) or a heliologist (the sun). There's tons of episodes, so I really enjoy the variety in topics! Also, since the person being interviewed is normally an academic, even if you already are familiar with certain topics you will probably learn something new!
This one is great for entertaining political and social commentary from a gay, left-leaning lense. The host has various guest on each episode, many of whom are well known in their own right, such as ContraPoints or Aubrey Gordon. I really enjoy how the host interacts with his guests.
An educational (and very entertaining) podcast about Biblical studies. Hosted by two guys named Dan. One is a Bible scholar and the other is an athiest. It is interesting to see things that are part of the American Evangelical Culture so many of us have to be affected by.