My Pets

I currently have three little babies of my own! I have two cats and a horse. The cats see my wonderful boyfriend as their father, but my horse definitely thinks of him as something like a distant coworker.


My pride and joy! He is a chestnut 2014 model off-track Thoroughbred gelding. This means that he used to race before we met and also that he is a horsey-eunuch. He was pretty good at racing and won a number of races. Unfortunately for his race-owners (but fortunately for me) he was injured during his last race and he suffered a lower leg fracture. Contrary to popular belief, horses don't always have to be put down if they break a leg nowadays. They put some screws in his leg, healed him up, and sent him on to me! This was all a little more roundabout in reality, but you get the picture.
Nowadays, he lives life like an oversized dog. He loves blueberries and watermelon. He also loves splashing in muddy water and playing "join-up"! He doesn't like being groomed most of the time, but he loves having his legs and tails brushed.
I am working on teaching him how to "bow", but he knows how to cross his feet underneath himself for lazy cleaning, halters himself, "smiles", and comes when called.
When he lived on the same property as me, he would take a nap every day at 10 am and I could cuddle with him while he dozed. This doesn't work when I have him boarded, because he gets too excited when he sees me coming, so he gets up to walk (or run) and greet me.


Ginger is my very very special girl. She was probably born around 2021, but I can't be too sure because I adopted her from a shelter. She is a torbie, which is both calico and tabby. She has big green eyes. Her expressions and body shape are super weird. My dad has said it looks like she can see into higher dimensions! She also likes to lift her belly up in a way that turns her body into a perfect sphere. My sister has said that she "moves in unimaginable ways". My boyfriend and I call her our little freak. She's most definitely freaky.
She eats whenever she gets stressed out by Sparrow, so we have to be careful that she doesn't gain any more weight. She also likes to do full somersaults when she wants pets. It's so cute, and, before owning her, I had never met a cat that does this! It's incredibly adorable. She also lets me pet her fluffy belly :)


The little tiger! She was born sometime in early 2024. She is a gray tabby. I got her the same day I got Ginger from the shelter. She is still growing, but her personality is finally starting to settle (and mellow). She is a very exciteable and starts purring the moment you pick her up! If I weren't generally against keeping cats outdoors (because of the envionrmental effects and danger to the cats) she would be a fantastic barn cat! She has an urge to hunt that Ginger definitely does not have! She constantly wants to play and is learning that she can, indeed, be gentle when asking for attention lol