About the Webmaster:

I've used a whole slew of names on the internet over the years. You might have know me as OpalUnicorn or Gwynbleidd.
You can call me Becka, or as my fursonas Rudy and (redacted).

If you decide to poke around on this site for more than a few minutes you should get a pretty good idea of who I am as a person.

I am currently living farm sim IRL. I also have a horse who you can learn more about on my pets page.

You might want to check out my blinkie collection to see some things I resonate with.

I love email!! opal_unicorn@yahoo.com


GLS/H/ED d--(-) s+: a- C++ U--- P L+ ?E W+++ N o+ K w+ O--- M+ ?V PS+++(++) PE-(--) Y++ ?PCP t(++)@ !5 X++ R tv b++++ DI-- !D G e+++ h+ r x?
Decode and create your own Geek Code here!

FCF3~4adw/CF3~4adw A+ C D H++ M- P++++ R- T+++ W Z SmS-/SfS++ RLF*/ET/LW* a c++m/n d e+++/** f++ h- i+++wf j p+++ #sf
Decode and create your own Furry Code here!

GoFa2Hu7$ TJtYreYin cBRp8 PPeNaG M2 ZGonGoiFanFoIpIpp!! C6om a25 b45DT H? g3A w5 r5EBI h3 s5 ?k Rz SsYn ?N LusGA
Decode and create your own Goth Code here!

A? d- s+: a- c+++ p++ t+ f-- S+ p++ e+++ h+ r- n+ i+ P++ m M
Decode and create your own Autistic Spectrum Code here!

Personality Tests:

Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Which Hatsune Miku Nendoroid Model Are You?
Hosted By theOtaku.com: Anime NerdTests.com says I'm a Cool Nerd God.  Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk to others on the nerd forum! I am nerdier than 84% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to take the Nerd Test, get geeky images and jokes, and talk on the nerd forum!
What Horse Colour Are You?
Your Result: Dun
You're a dun horse! Dun is the original, natural horse colour, providing camouflage for the earliest horses. You are very attracted to nature and it's ever-lasting wonders, and are very honest and hardworking, just like your equine counterpart! You will probably had a dorsal stripe and zebra stripes.
What Horse Colour Are You?